

Watching someone in the midst of a journey that by any known standard defies logic is an incredible experience to go through. James Lawrence, the “Iron Cowboy” is doing what some would call impossible. On March 1st, 2021, he started the Conquer 100: 100 Triathlons in 100 consecutive days. The affirmations Other Side of Limits…

Event Report: The Goggin’s Challenge 4x4x48 – 4 miles every 4 hours for 48 hours

Event Report: The Goggin’s Challenge 4x4x48 – 4 miles every 4 hours for 48 hours

This past weekend I had the privilege to participate in what I would call one of the better challenges I’ve taken on. David Goggins challenges people every year to take on a 48-hour challenge – run, walk or bike 4 miles every 4 hours for 48 hours – and donate to a cause of their…

The Arena and The Workshop

The Arena and The Workshop

It’s been almost a month since stepping into the arena once again. With last month’s Uberman, known as the “World’s Toughest Ultra-Endurance Ironman”, I spent nearly a week completing a 21-mile swim, 400-mile cycling ride, and 135-mile run. It included two of the most exhausting and difficult days of my life fighting with the current…

Trail head

Race Report: “Across the Park” Hike, Olympic National Park (50+ miles)

When I was a new trail runner over a decade ago and just learning about what was possible, I heard about some locals here in Port Angeles, Washington that had completed the “Across the Park” hike. For years I heard stories about this epic journey they had taken as a group from the South side…