Death Valley Photo Shoot

Death Valley Photo Shoot

On a Wednesday October 16th I noticed a post from my good friend and incredible race director Luis Escobar asking for a couple suckers, I mean volunteers to drive out to Death Valley a few days later on the 18th for a photo shoot for some upcoming projects he’s working on. I quickly checked my…

Badwater 146

Badwater 146

The adventure started in Los Angeles with the crew trickling in on different flights. Luke Rafferty, videographer for the trip, was the first to fly in, and we went directly to a presentation to a group of students at Mar Vista Family Center on Wednesday afternoon. On Thursday, Holly Cunningham arrived in the late afternoon,…

2014 Race Across Oregon

2014 Race Across Oregon

That gripping fear… your heart is racing, your thoughts wander, and your palms are damp with anticipation for the future. We have all experienced moments like this. It could be those passing seconds during that high school track meet where you are getting ready to take your place at the starting blocks before the gun…